4th July 2019

The 2019 Flag Challenge! – A Colleague Engagement Initiative

The Asset Solutions Group; trading as RAS and VAS has embarked on a colleague engagement project that is inclusive to every colleague in the two businesses.  The company is now split into 4 teams, White, Charcoal, Grey and Yellow.  Each team have been issued with 2 flags, a RAS flag and a VAS flag.  The challenge is to arrange for their team flags to travel in relay around the various locations we visit across the UK (and sometimes worldwide) between the 9th March and the 6th September, with a photograph of the colleague and their flag as evidence of the location. The team who has taken the flag the furthest will be victorious!

The ‘rule-makers’ issue fortnightly updates and new rules to maintain the interest, such as additional points for photographs of the flag with a celebrity or for attending the recent Directors Roadshow. The flags have also supported some of our CSR commitments traveling through London on the Moon Walk in support of breast cancer and to our quiz night to support ‘Mind’. To date the combined total miles stands at 247,509, with each team already managing to ‘bag’ a celebrity photo!                                          

Lois Heywood, CEO said “this really is the most amazing colleague engagement project, it has really captured the imagination of the entire business and we have had families, friends and clients all getting involved.  It is such good fun and open to all our colleagues to take part in”

With the busy summer holiday period about to commence all teams are expecting a spike in the mileage totals. The challenge continues until September, if you spot one of our flags do take a photo and send it in to us!